Needless to say, my humors were thrown at once out of alignment, and it was only a hearty swig of Doc McGillicuddy's Nerve and Moustache Elixir which rouse'd me from my stupefie'd state. (While my nerves did in-deed become quite regular as advertised, I had no need of it's facial hair thickening properties. Damn and blast your eyes, Doc Macgillicuddy! I've already got as robust a moustache as a man can rightly ask for, and now thanks to your tonic, I shan't be able to go so far as the local haberdashery without lower-classmen stopping to compliment my moustache's lustrous, full-bodied sheen!)
No sooner than I had stood up, than helpful native children surround'd me, and brush'd the dust from my overcoat in ex-change for the candy and small trinkets they have come to expect. I did not disappoint, producing a slide whistle and some peanut brittle from within my vest.
"What manner of inscriptions are these?" I querie'd the most likely candidate for ownership of the autocarriage which had so dis-quiet'd me. "They are quite frightensome to even a gentleman of my fortuitous constitution." The savage struggled for some time to understand Queen's english, finally offering a string of phonetic gurgles, that I was able to decipher as an attempt to entice me into worship of the favored local deity. "Nay good sir," I spake proudly, "I was born a follower of the noble Zoroaster and so I shall die." What follow'd was an incantation un-intelligible to man or beast alike, and surmising that some manner of hex was being cast upon my person, I fled in terror. I am loathe to admit such a thing, but caution is the friend of the wise, where dark magickry is at play!
This one made me laugh so hard I fell off my seat! I've got to remember to try something like this!
wtf blogger seriously?
you have to loggin to comment?
Thanks for Legorobot and thanks for this. Reminds me of Chris Ware and Alan Moore.
Now just make more.
I do say! This cunnigly arranged menagerie of humorous comments on the state of modern life has indeed made commit to a slight chuckle! I most eagerly await for continuing correspondence, good sire Cornelius.
Woo! I'm the first on my block to give a shit!
This is essentially the most pleasing and humorous work of its type I have come across in serving memory. Pray continue, if you can find it in you to do so.
I love you, is that okay?
Hey, so, um, I hope you don't think this is awkward.
I retrieved some of your DNA for use in creating clones of you.
For sex.
I read the entire travel accounts of Bougainville, Cook, Bontekoe, and de Veer among others for a research paper last quarter...
And this reminds me of every period travel piece I read. Good show, sir.
also giving a shit.
and what the fuck word verification
May 4th? Yeah, that's not going to work.
I expect biweekly submissions at least.
does mr. cornelius happen to be adventuring in the vicinity of unforementioned seminole county?
Fucking genius!
By jove. What strange shenanigans the locals must partake in.
I look forward to any further documentation, good sir!
i fucking love you, please never leave the internet.
well, this new venture of yours is fantastic. but then, i expected nothing less from one Mr. Robot.
i like. more please.
Please honour us with more tales from this wond'rous land!
Be unashamed, good sir, of your perceived cowardice. Had you not absconded with haste, the natives, in their religious fervor, could have torn you limb from limb!
I think you would thoroughly enjoy 99chan's /gent/ good sir.
Good one! Perhaps they should make stickers like that LOL :D
Damn and blast your eyes, Doc Macgillicuddy! I've already got as robust a moustache as a man can rightly ask for
Needs more updates.
As I will be soon venturing into the dreaded peninsula myself, I long for further documentation of your travels.
Congratulation for the great post. I am very happy to read this article. I appreciate this post. Thanks for the post. I will certainly return.
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Awesome mind
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